
Hello. I hid the text so that "the content" wouldn't distract from "the presentation" or something. I've been sitting here about since I've gotten off of work 4 hours ago, and I've probably been slaving to this page tres quarters of that time. That's cool! I'm pretty tired and frankly not much in the mood to be a total jerk-off here. I'm being genuine for the third time this year. Well, that's not true... I just wanted to say that. Not that there's anything wrong with saying things. Oh yeah, and it just hit me; I really, really hope that this website isn't perceived as one of those super artsy I'm-such-a-genius type art sites, or that I'm anything like that. I loath that. And another horribleness of it is that contempt of "art" is another thing that pretentious artsy people do too, so there's no escaping. Fuch. And it could be argued that I shouldn't care how people perceive me. Yeah, that's true; I'd be much better off. And I've been working on it, I think. I've elected not to let it stand in the way of my being myself, though, at least to the best of my ability, so there's no worry about that in my mind.

Here's the start of a new thought. I've been writing this since, like, seconds since the last paragraph. Isn't that what people do when they write anyway, though? Regardless, hello again! I will be off now. I'm sleepy and tired and I'm excited to experience the world tomorrow. Even if it tears me apart, that's okay, I love being a human being alive on earth. No words can change that. Sorry nihilists. Anyway, good night! Sweet dreams! Let the bedbugs bite, they're hungry. Good night!